Assistant, Associate and Full Professors in Marketing and International Business

Singapore, Singapore
Creative Industries

Assistant, Associate and Full Professors in Marketing and International Business

Job no: 492240
Work type: Full time
Location: Singapore

General Requirements

Applicants should have a PhD degree in business and have a passion for teaching and research.  The candidate is expected to teach and provide research supervision to undergraduates and postgraduates across a range of subject areas in economics.  For appointment as Chair Professor, the candidate is expected to be a renowned scholar of international standing with an outstanding publication record.  The candidate will be expected to provide academic leadership in both research and teaching.  For appointment as Professor, candidates should have substantial research and teaching experience with significant recent scholarly publications in leading journals and academic achievements.  The appointee will be expected to provide supervision for MPhil and PhD students and to mentor and collaborate with junior faculty on research projects.  Applicants are required to provide information on their research records and evidence of quality teaching.



The conditions of appointment will be competitive.  The rank and remuneration will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits include annual leave, medical and dental benefits, mandatory provident fund, gratuity, housing benefits and incoming passage and baggage allowance for the eligible appointee.

Appointment will normally be made on an initial contract of three years, which, subject to review and mutual agreement, may lead to longer-term appointment or substantiation. Appointment with substantiation can be considered.

Advertised: Singapore Standard Time
Applications close:

Employee Referral
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